Gez Varney and all of his friends and supporters have raised a huge £35136.59 this year, added to last 2 years totals makes a phenomenal £85781.44 in the last 3 years. We cannot thank everyone who has supported Gez enough for all of their kindness and hard work in helping him to raise the funds that have meant that so many more poorly children have had their wishes granted. We are very lucky because we get to see the joy and happiness that each child shows when they have a wish granted, we can only tell you how much that means to them and their families. On behalf of all of the children that you have helped THANK YOU. We hope that you all have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. Love and Best Wishes from everyone at Wishes 4 Kids.
Thursday, December 7, 2017 • 2:33 pm
Gez Varney and all of his friends and su